Thursday 22 December 2011

A little more direction

I have been thinking about editorial design in the fashion industry. I am a very keen reader of fashion mags and always like to appreciate the design , layout and style of the magazines cover and content. It is usually the colour and uniqueness in the design of certain articles within the magazines which persuade me into purchasing it.
The fashion industry has always interested me and even before this course i have thought about how i could change and make the graphic's side of it that bit more interesting.
Photography and colour is a key factor in the promotion and editorial side of the fashion industry and i would love to work with those two factors in addition with my skills in type, layout and print. I don't mean to blow my own trumpet but together i think potentially some amazing things could happen.

Style magazine is one of my favourite fashion magazines. Although it is free with the times i always buy the newspaper so i can have gander at its amazing photography , vibrance and layout.
They often have different graphic designers and illustrators changing the style and design of certain articles to make each magazine unique and interesting, One week i noticed a previous student at Leeds College of Art had worked on an article's font , Si Scott , a very talented illustrator with a quirky style , his individuality suited the articles criteria and gave it a special feature. This is what i potentially want to achieve in the fashion industry , to contribute my unique design style to fashion ad's and articles.
Getting involved with Style magazine would be a great way of getting yourself out there as an open designer in terms of audience as it is sold with a weekly newspaper , The Sunday Times, a family newspaper for the weekend.

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