I decided to e-mail our researched competitors within the design industry to get some advice on our business proposals from working professionals....
I am yet to hear back from them
Hello Martin.
Me and two of my peers are writing to you for advice on starting up a business in the graphic industry , based in Edinburgh. We are BA hons Graphic Design students currently in the middle of an Enterprise Brief, where we have to begin/create our own 'fake' business. We have chosen Edinbourugh as in our research we found out that it was one of the most creative Citys in in UK. We would be so grateful if you would take a few minutes to answer some question for our research as we found you're company inspiring and professional. The questions are based on business and for our research only , if you feel that the questions are innaproprate then feel free to pass.
1-What would you say are the most important ways of promoting yourself when you are trying to start up a business?
2-What do you struggle with the most finatially?
3-What is the one piece of good advice you would give a young Graphic Designer when starting up a business for the first time.
4-What is the one piece of bad advice you would give a young Graphic Designers when starting up a business for the first time.
Also one last thing, if you ever need some new and fresh Graphic Design then we are ALWAYS open to collaboration and challenges
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